Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Unseasonal rain and storms in WA!

Record breaking rain hits inland WA...
October ended with record breaking rainfall for normally dry central and northern parts WA. In the past week areas of the Interior and Goldfields picked up 50-100mm of rainfall while parts of the Kimberley have seen over 100mm.

Wiluna in the northern Goldfields received 38mm to 9am Tuesday morning, its heaviest November day of rain in over 100 years of records! Nearby Packsaddle Farm saw 64.8mm on the same day, its heaviest November day of rain since records began in 1995. Both Giles and Warburton in the Interior picked up over 70mm for the month, most of it in the last week, which is almost 5 times their monthly October average rainfall!

Many inland parts of WA would typically receive no more than 20mm on average for the month of October so this heavy rain is unusual for this time of year.

WA Rainfall totals (mm) Week ending 1st November 2011. Source: Bureau of Meteorology

Perth and southern WA next...
While the heavy rain and storms have been concentrated in central and northern parts of the state over the last few days, it will start to ease from tomorrow with the focus shifting further south. Widespread rain and potentially severe storms are expected for southern parts of the state on Thursday.

Perth is a chance to see a storm on Wednesday afternoon but the greatest risk is on Thursday with severe storms possible in Perth with the potential of flash flooding.

On Friday the rain and storms will shift eastwards across the state providing a break for Perth, but lighter showers are still expected in the city for the rest of the week from frontal activity.

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