Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Temperatures soar in South Australian heatwave

It’s only 9am and Adelaide is already 32 ºC! The city is heading for its third day in a row above 35 ºC today and with 39 ºC expected from Wednesday to Friday, it’s almost guaranteed that it will break the November heatwave record of 5 days in a row. Thankfully, a cool change is finally expected on Saturday- the timing is still uncertain but I’ll keep you posted.

This unrelenting heat is being caused by a near- stationery high in the Tasman that is churning a hot airmass from the northwest interior right down to the southern coastline. This type of a high pressure system is often called a “blocking high” because it blocks the usual easterly progression of weather systems. In this case, it’s stopping cold fronts from the Southern Ocean from being able to reach the mainland and cool things down.

This weather set-up is quite unusual for this time of the year. Typically, Spring sees erratic and changeable weather rather than the stagnant pattern of unprecedented heat that we’re seeing at the moment.

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