Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Silver City melts in Spring heat

South- western parts of NSW, including Broken Hill, are baking in temperatures as high as 10 degrees above the November average. Today the Silver City is heading for 36 ºC, with the mercury expected to reach a scorching 40 ºC by Thursday. Temperatures are likely to remain at 35 ºC or more for the rest of the week.

On average, Broken Hill will swelter through around 6 days above 40 ºC but this year there have already been 16 40-plus days! Most of these temperatures occurred last Summer when locals sweated through 12 days in a row above 40 ºC in January and February! In the past 6 months, temperatures in Broken Hill have been about 1 degree above the average.

So what can we expect for the coming Summer? According to climate forecasts based on current sea surface conditions in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, Broken Hill is likely to receive below average rainfall through the summer and above average temperatures. Right now, we are in an El Nino phase which usually results in drier than average conditions. Most climate models are forecasting El Nino to persist throughout Summer.

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