Thursday, November 12, 2009

South Australia smashes November heatwave record

It's official: Adelaide is sweating through it's worst November heatwave on record. At 3.30pm the city's temperature skyrocketed to 39.2 degrees, making it it's 5th day in a row above 35 degrees. The previous record of 4 consecutive days above 35 degrees was set in 1894. But the heatwave isn't over yet with the mercury expected to rise to a scorching 40 degrees by Sunday!

A cool change will eventually drop temperatures down to the high twenties/ early thirties on Monday and Tuesday but this mild relief will be shortlived. On Wednesday, locals will once again need to prepare to suffer through another spell of 35-plus temperatures.

Many inland parts of South Australia have also cracked the 40- degree mark with Murray Bridge sweating through 3 days in a row above 41 degrees.

South Australians are accustomed to prolonged heatwaves but as I mentioned in my earlier post, this pattern of sustained, well above average heat is unusual for this time of the year and, as of today, unprecedented in November.

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