Monday, May 17, 2010

What desert? Outback gets more unseasonal rain!

It has been an amazing few months for the outback with widespread and consistent rain - and there's is more to come! I've been to the outback a couple of times this year already and the transformation from red dust to green is incredible. I took this photo from the air and you can see the huge contrast between the normally red earth that is being overtaken by vegetation.

Most of the rain this year has been the result of cyclones and lows but this weekend, a northwest cloudband sprawled across northern Australia and delivered soaking rain from Western Australia across to Queensland. Kalumburu in Western Australia's Kimberley received 79mm in 2 days while Lajamanu got saoked by 5 times its May average rain in just days with 41mm.

This cloudband is contracting towards the northeast tomorrow, but another northwest cloudband will spread across the tropics this week bringing further unseasonal rain. The Kimberley could get another 100mm.

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