Friday, May 21, 2010

The big wet hits Brisbane, Sydney and Perth!

Brisbane is getting drenched today thanks to a surge of cold air pushing in across southeast QLD. Showers and thunderstorms could deliver locally heavy falls especially for coastal suburbs. But don't fret if you have weekend plans, as showers will clear by tomorrow morning. Not for Sydney and Perth though....

Showers will develop in Sydney this afternoon and evening, ramping up on Saturday with a surge of southerly winds so it will be chilly too. Expect the showers to be heavy at times, especially on the coast, but conditions will ease on Sunday.

You'll also need your brollies in Perth this afternoon as showers roll in and increase tomorrow. At least 20mm is expected for Perth with the chance of severe storms and strong winds. The good news is that a lot of this rain will also spread across the southern agricultural regions of Australia including Western Australia's Central Wheatbelt. But this surge of rain is likely to be accompanied by damaging winds for Western Australia's southwest and south coast.

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