Monday, January 18, 2010

Scorcher in the southwest, snowing in the southeast!

Today is a day of extreme contrasts between the west and east as Perth experiences another scorcher, while the southeastern ski resorts get a mid-summer dusting of snow! Following its hottest day in 2 years yesterday with 43 degrees, it was de ja vu for Perth today as the city once again sweltered in almost the same temperature. This is all thanks to hot, dry northeasterly winds. Thankfully, it will cool down on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, cold air from the south brought a wintry blast to the southeast. Temperatures in southern NSW and Victoria were as much as 10 degrees below average with snow falling across their alpine areas this morning- very unusual for this time of the year! Falls Creek got down to -2 degrees, making it its coldest January night in 18 years of records at the site.

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