Monday, January 11, 2010

Hottest weather since Black Saturday for the southeast

The south- eastern states are suffering through their hottest weather since Black Saturday with catastrophic fire danger across most of South Australia’s south and Victoria’s Wimmera district. Temperatures in South Australia are as much as 17 degrees above average on the coast and Adelaide is sweltering through its 4th day in a row above 40 degrees. Thankfully there is a cool change around the corner but this cool relief generally arrives as a double edged sword. Ahead of the change, the strength of the hot northerly winds are reaching their peak which is what has elevated the fire danger to catastrophic levels. The good news is that as the change comes across temperatures will be as much as 20 degrees cooler between today and tomorrow, and some much needed showers will also wet southern South Australian soils. The change is already generating severe storms across the states west with damaging and flash flooding.

For Victorians, it’s day 4 of the 5- day heatwave across the north today but in the south, temperatures are a massive 19 degrees above average. The cool change will sweep across the state tomorrow reaching Melbourne around midday. This will come as a huge relief for Melburnians considering today’s 43 degree forecast maximum.

The heat is also reaching as far south as Hobart with 36 degrees today- that’s 14 degrees above average.

Total fire bans are in place across the entire states of South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania.

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