Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dry start to December for Cairns

Following above average rain in November, Summer has kicked off in Cairns with a dry spell. Only 9mm has been recorded so far for December, well off our monthly average of 180mm. Over the next few days, the odd shower will sprinkle the coast but it’s mainly expected during the morning so for the most part, Cairns days will be warm and dry.

Further north, we’re starting to see our first flow of monsoonal winds, and our first tropical low of the season is brewing off the Northern Territory coast! The thick cloud mass associated with the low is already making an impact on the mainland bringing the equal warmest night in 8 years to Darwin. Should this low intensify into a tropical cyclone the next cab off the ranks in terms of names is “Laurence.” We’ll keep you up to date on all the latest on 603!

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